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1. True or False: Security controls are implemented to protect your company from cyberthreats, while privacy controls are implemented to protect your company from regulatory fines.

False. While regulatory fines are often a consequence of not properly protecting personal user data, the benefits of investing in privacy extend far beyond avoiding legal consequences, such as mitigating the risks with data breaches and even improving brand loyalty.  

2. True or False: A good rule of thumb is to only store data that you have a legitimate purpose or need to store, such as a regulatory requirement.  


3. True or False: Similar to best practices around which data to maintain, the best practice for how long to maintain data is to only hold onto it for as long is necessary or useful - unless your organization has to abide by specific regulations.


4. True or False: With Rescue, you can enter your own unique custom terms, such as data processing notifications and require users to acknowledge or accept them before starting a session. 
