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1. True or false: Strict password policies are mainly important for admins.  

False. You are only as strong as your weakest link. Even one weak password can serve as a wide open door into an organization. 

2. True or false: Accounts with MFA are safe from nearly all kinds of cyber attack.  

False: While MFA can block the vast majority of automated or bulk attacks, sophisticated social engineering can get around the barrier of MFA. 

3. True or false: If you have MFA enabled with an authenticator app, IP restrictions are not necessary.  

False. IP restrictions can serve as a critical third wall of defense that makes it harder for even the most targeted hackers to compromise your account. 

4. True or false: You can customize which admins receive account notifications in the admin center.  

False. Account notifications go to the master account holder. 

5. True or false: Implementing SSO will always be more secure than using Rescue’s native password functionality. 

False: While SSO can allow you to implement more rigorous controls and make it easier to consistently enforce them, it will only be more secure if you implement those best practices in your SSO tool.